
Read and Write for Google Chrome-Highland Guidance

Please note: in order to access R&W, staff must ‘sync’ their Chrome accounts in order for the extension to appear.

Follow this link for a guide on how to do this.

Highland Literacy have posted resources page links for Google Read and Write.

This is a great Google extension for EAL learners (and pupils with literacy difficulties) with many tools to support pupils learning, all in one place: a reader,  a translator, a PDF reader/annotator, predictive text and many more.

Follow the link below to discover what they all do.

New to English EAL Induction Pack for PRIMARY (Including Big Bear Banter)

Combined resources from the Big Bear Banter  and  P4-7 Induction Packs. Now including lots of links for each topic to online resources eg. online flashcards, animated stories, YouTube videos, songs and interactive games. This document is a live document which will be  updated with new online resources.



Using Technology to Support EAL Learners in Primary Schools

An easy use resource which is full of apps/ extensions/websites to support EAL learners to  develop their English skills and to access the curriculum.  This is a ‘live’ document which will be updated regularly so we would recommend that you store it in Google Drive.

EAL Highland Manual for schools

EAL Manual for Highland Schools


This manual tries to collect everything you need to keep track of the language acquisition of EAL pupils. This tends to be achieved through EAL Profiles and the associated strategies which help to flag up how a child is acquiring English and if there is a need for investigation or enquiry into other additional difficulties. Also included in the manual is guidance on ensuring SEEMiS is up to date, support for the enrolment of pupils into school, how to access interpreting and translation services, and resources for new to English pupils. It is split into 3 sections that are appropriate for the different stages of an EAL pupil’s school life. The links are all provided on Google Drive with the shared access link you have been provided with. 

Just click on the links to get to the support materials. 

There are lots of additional materials to be found at including dual language resources, best practice, subject support etc

A Calendar Year of EAL Support – Primary and Secondary


Enrolment and profiling

New to English support


Enrolment and profiling

New to English support

PSA Support and Strategies


Enrolment and profiling


New to English support

PSA Support and Strategies

Training and CPD

Little by Little: Strategies for Pupils

Let's learn English through readings!: Hello, my dear students ...

These strategies have been developed to support pupils to use strategies in their classes to help them to develop and acquire English. They can be downloaded individually or as a zip folder. They were originally developed and sent out to pupils over the year so that they had a weekly strategy to try out.

  1. Mind Maps
  2. Learning New Words
  3. Vocab cards Quizlet
  4. Use the people around you
  5. Graphic Organisers
  6. Tables
  7.  Translation and Dictionaries
  8. Action Tree
  9. Speech to text, readers and support on Chromebook
  10. Glossaries
  11. Summaries
  12. Questions
  13. Analysis – making the same mistakes
  14. Keeping your home language (L1)
  15. Idiomatic sayings

Little by Little zip folder

Highland One World Anti Racist resources

Here is a powerpoint put together by Highland One World looking at Anti Racist Resources. there are links to support for classroom resources, resources for staff understanding and pointers for further research and knowledge.  Always important, but particularly highlighted at the moment with Balck Lives Matter campaigns and demonstrations and important for all communities.

Antiracism education slides