
Work in progress!

The EAL Team is working on a new Google EAL Highland Website. We are waiting to transfer the domain over to the new site. Please try again soon.

While this is happening (it is a big job) the blog is still active but might be a bit neglected. If you can’t find what you are looking for on either site, or a resource is not available, or a link not working,  please contact the team (CONTACT US.)

Read and Write for Google Chrome

Robert Quiggly and Tania Mackie present a Read and Write training (including new features.)  Read and Write is a fantastic program on Google for EAL learners (and others.) It has many tools to aid reading and writing, including; predictive text, translate, speak-to-text, picture dictionary, and many more.

Click here to watch the training.

Bilingual Glossaries

This website has a large number of bilingual glossaries for EAL  pupils to use in class to support their learning. They are available in all these languages and for a number of secondary subjects.

Ririro (audio stories in other languages)

It is Ririro’s mission to give all children in the world free access to a variety of stories. The stories can be read, downloaded and printed online and cover a wide range of topics, including animals, fantasy, science, history, diverse cultures and much more.

The stories can be read in English, Polish, Spanish, Arabic and others. (Please note that Russian and  Ukrainian are NOT available. )

Click here to be taken to the Ririro website.

Grammarly App/extension

The  Grammarly App has now been pushed out to the Play Store and can be added to the pupil’s Chromebooks.   It is a useful tool for older and more proficient EAL students to correct written work.  It sits as an extension along the top right in the same way as Google Read & Write etc.

New EAL Teachers for Highland

We would like to inform you of some recent changes to the English as an Additional Language Team within our service.

Previously, the remit for the team was area based but this has now changed to a Highland wide service.

Two new members of staff have also been employed until the end of June 2023 (SG funded), and the team now consists of Alison Roy, Jenny Gray, Alison Drummond and Rose Nicholls. Both Alison Drummond and Rose Nicholls, our new members to the team, have been employed primarily to support the Ukrainian refugee pupils. You can find their contact details at:

Ukraine: resources for schools and families

A short training video giving staff an introduction to welcoming refugee families into our schools and communities. 

This 16-minute video for all Highland Council school staff is an introduction to supporting Ukrainian pupils and their families in our schools, with signposting to further resources and support.

Presented by Educational Psychologist Carrie Yavuz and EAL Teacher Alison Roy.

Please note that this video can only be opened by staff with a Highland Council Google email. Please ensure you have logged into Chrome with your Highland Council google email.

We have collated a selection of resources to support schools in welcoming families from Ukraine.

Click on the image for Nursery/ Primary or Secondary or Families. This will take you to a google doc with links to the resources. Please note that these are live documents and are being added to as new resources and information becomes available.

EAL Training


Digital Translation Tools for EAL Learners

Target Group – Upper Primary & Secondary PSAs, ASNTs and Class Teachers

Maximum Participants – 30

Number of hours out with – 1.5

Sectors – Upper Primary & Secondary

Cutoff date – 21/11/23

Subject – Literacy

Date: Tuesday 28th November, 4-5.30 pm

Venue: Inverness High School

HGIOS – 2.3 – Learning, teaching and assessment

HGIOS – 3.2 – Raising attainment and achievement

Aim – To upskill staff in digital translation tools to then support EAL pupils.

Content – During this training we will cover how to use key translation tools which are accessible to pupils on their Chromebooks such as Google Translate, Read & Write and OrbitNote.  There will be opportunities to practise using these tools during the session.

Notes: If possible, could attendees bring a Highland Council laptop or Chromebook to the training. Tea and coffee will be available.



Alison Roy and Jenny Gray present a 40 minute recorded training opportunity for staff in E.LC.

During the recording, you will be asked to follow a few links on the slide show. Before starting the recording, open the slide show below.

Supporting EAL Pupils in Nursery: slides (with links)



Jenny Gray and Alison Roy present a 1 hour 15 minute recorded training opportunity for primary staff on how to support  New to English or Early acquisition EAL pupils in primary school.

During the recording, you will be asked to follow a few links on the slide show. Before starting the recording, open the slide show below.

Supporting New to English EAL Pupils in Primary: slides (with links)



Jenny Gray and Alison Roy present a 1 hour 15 minute recorded training opportunity for secondary staff on how to support  New to English or Early acquisition EAL pupils in secondary school.

During the recording, you will be asked to follow a few links on the slide show. Before starting the recording, open the slide show below.

Supporting new to English EAL Pupils in Secondary: slides (with links)

Offline Bilingual Dictionaries for exams/assessments have bilingual dictionary apps available in 20 different languages.  These are offline, word for word dictionaries which are permitted in exams and assessments if you follow the  guidance from SQA.

Apps can be installed on Chromebooks/phones/i pads from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store.

At present the Polish and French apps can be added to a pupils Chromebook. If you need another language please contact the EAL Team. If you pupil’s first language is not available there are other apps available so get in touch.

As with paper dictionaries,  pupils should  only be given the app in assessments if they use bilingual dictionaries for regular  classwork/homework. Some practice in using the app before the assessment/exam is advised.


New to English EAL Induction Pack for SECONDARY

New to English Induction Pack for Secondary:  Now includes links to online resources: online flashcards, You Tube videos, interactive games and worksheets. This allows the whole pack to be used online but includes links to printable resources,  if required.

N.B. This is a live document and is being currently updated.

As always, if you find additional resources or make up your own topics then please share them with us and we can add them to the pack.