Strategies for Supporting Listening & Talking Stage 2

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Strategies for Supporting Listening and Talking at Stage 1

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Strategies for supporting EAL pupils

These strategies support pupils at different stages of their acquisition of English. The EAL Primary profile or the EAL Secondary Profile shows the level which the pupil is working on. If the strategies are highlighted there are resource materials available by clicking on the highlighted text.

Teachers and pupils are encouraged to work across the 3 modes of language – integrating listening & talking, reading and writing into all activities, topics or themes. There are many common strategies that are used with every one of these modes (click on highlight).

Listening & Talking:

  1. Stage One: New to English
  2.  Stage Two: Early Acquisition
  3.  Stage Three: Developing Competence
  4. Stage Four:Competent


  1. Stage One: New to English
  2.  Stage Two: Early Acquisition
  3.  Stage Three: Developing Competence
  4. Stage Four: Competent


  1. Stage One: New to English
  2.  Stage Two: Early Acquisition 
  3.  Stage Three: Developing Competence
  4. Stage Four: Competent

Speedy Readers for pupils with EAL

At Charleston Academy and in the Highland trial in primary schools, Speedy Readers has proven very effective for pupils with EAL who have a ‘spiky profile’ eg their Listening and Talking is stage 3 or 4, but their Reading and Writing is stage 1 or 2.   Typically, this will be a pupil in P5 + who has been in UK education for more than 2 years, but who has literacy difficulties.

It is ideal for these pupils as it involves:

  • groupwork
  • reading choice
  • auditory back up
  • context

For information on how to implement, please see the Highland Literay BLOG

You may also want to use this with younger pupils. Please get in touch for advice.

Please note: This is not recommended for pupils who are New to English

Smartboard Resources

EAL Highland have developed some Smartboard Resources to support Teddy Talk and Big Bear Banter activities. Sadly, the file type cannot be imported into the Blog so if you would like a copy of any of these please contact with your email address and which resource you would like to see and he will send it on as an attachment.

If anyone develops their own Smartboard resources then please share with Peter. Thanks.

  • Elmer’s Colours
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  • Daily Routines

Big Bear Banter

big bear
Our Teddy Talk activities for nurseries have just grown up!

Big Bear Banter is a series of activities for pupils in P1 to P3  who are new to English.  They include flashcard activities, story activities and using songs and rhymes. There are a host of different topics and links to further resources.

The BBB resources are now part of the New to English EAL Induction Pack for Primary. The pack now includes  links  to online resources eg. online flashcards, animated stories, YouTube videos, songs and interactive games.

N.B. This document is a live document which is currently being updated.

As always if you find additional resources or make up your own topics then please share them with us and we can add them to the pack.

Record Keeping Sheets

Here are some record sheets to keep track of sessions that are taking place for Big Bear Banter in your setting.

Big Bear banter Record of Activities