New to English
These strategies support pupils who have been assessed at "New to English" acquisition of English. The EAL Primary profile or the EAL Secondary Profile shows the level which the pupil is working on. If the strategies are highlighted there are resource materials available by clicking on the highlighted text.
Teachers and pupils are encouraged to work across the 3 modes of language – integrating listening & talking, reading and writing into all activities, topics or themes.
Common Strategies
DARTs activities (Directed Activities Related to Text)
ask focused questions to check or confirm understanding of text
Listening and Talking
use Teddy Talk / Primary New to English EAL Induction Pack (Big Bear Banter resources included) or Secondary New to English EAL Induction Pack
allow pupil time to listen and absorb and give thinking time for pupil to mentally rehearse words
teach names of adults and peers
use peers to model language/ social language
plan quality time (daily) with pupil and plan time for free talk and to talk about their work
use paired / small group activities with supportive peers (mixed ability / same language etc)
highlight key words related to classroom activities and routines
use audio/visual props and ICT to provide language contexts
encourage pupil to make links with home language
give clear instructions with consistent use of key words and phrases (repeated if necessary)
encourage pupil to respond in words and phrases e.g. Can I have …
ask: closed questions; either / or questions; one word answer
focus on pupil’s meaning rather than the words used
provide the words the pupil needs (as long as it doesn’t pre-empt pupils’ responses)
send on simple errands / messages with partner (check out- come!)
set up home/school communication system. Where possible send word lists/key texts home
provide talking texts e.g. Epic | The Leading Digital Library for Kids or Oxford Owl Website or Studyladder – Reading Comprehension
Paired (or Partner) Reading /talking about texts with older pupils or PSA in English and home language
Provide texts in home language to read/listen to e.g. WorldStories .
Also you can do a Youtube search for stories in different languages e.g.You tube search for stories in Portuguese for Teenagers
Dual Language Texts in the class and to send home Mantra Lingua UK Dual Language Books
share reading (books with illustrations)
model following print with finger / pen
model letter names and sounds, use ICT for phonics practice e.g. Studyladder
provide talking texts e.g. Epic | The Leading Digital Library for Kids or Oxford Owl Website or Studyladder – Reading Comprehension
Provide talking texts and digital stories in home language e.g WorldStories
Read&Write for Google – use Reader, Translator Tool and Picture Dictionary
Use ICT to demonstrate or explain words and phrases
use dual language texts and picture dictionaries Mantra Lingua UK | Dual language books and picture vocabulary books in English First Thousand Words in English Usborne First Thousand Words : 1
provide visual cues, use props/actions/puppets etc as appropriate
have a rich, clearly contextualised print environment (cross curricular)
read back any writing, pupil and teacher
ask for/ provide / demonstrate meanings of words
play word games eg word pairs/word & picture ‘bingo’ etc
ask pupils to work collaboratively to sequence pictures or words with simple written text, sentences, instructions, processes etc
ask pupil to find/match/highlight letters in words, words in texts, phrases in texts
ask pupils to choose between True/False statements to show understanding of text
label diagrams/texts/pictures/illustrations with prepared cards (words and phrases), matching words to diagrams
annotate text with translations of key words/phrases into first language
make picture dictionary/word bank in English and home language. Use picture dictionary on Read&Write
pre teach key words prior to meeting in text and also Pip St John materials
ensure word level work is appropriate
use individual whiteboards and pens
model the writing for the pupil and provide modelling and deconstructing tasks
show/provide examples of different types of writing
devise collaborative writing tasks with opportunities to ‘have a go’
ask pupil to copy short text that has been explained and discussed
provide support for pupils to match simple sentence starters to sentence endings, then ask pupil to copy complete sentences
ask pupil to sort/sequence simple jumbled sentences
clearly organise information on the board using graphic organisers
play simple writing / alphabet card games and puzzles
ask pupils to copy words matched to pictures / diagrams
ICT such as speech to text, Clicker 6 etc
prepare differentiated tasks for the pupil to complete while the others work independently
encourage the use of picture/dual language dictionary as appropriate to age and skills