Translation / Interpretation

Below are a few of the main translation services available online or as an app, these are currently free to use:

Google Translate

Has a large range of languages

Speech, Text, Pictures,  Documents, and Websites

Not always 100% accurate

App and Website


31 languages available

Text and Documents only

Good accuracy (according to feedback to EAL Team)

Website only

Google Lens

Great for instant translation of text

Scan (with a phone) and translate feature: hover over text to get an instant translation

Useful for supporting parents with understanding letters/documents

Highland Council has a contract with an interpretation service.  Information on how to book an interpreter or use the Telephone Interpreting Service can be found here. You can only view this document with a  Highland Council Google email address. 

These services are funded centrally by the Highland Council. 


You will find more information on translation/interpreting tools in this Padlet. 

It also has details of other tools to support EAL Learners (eg. dictionaries, tools to learn English, and tools to encourage  home language) 

N.B. Use the open-in new tab icon (top right) for a larger view.