Early Acquisition
These strategies support pupils who have been assessed at "Early Acquisition" acquisition of English. The EAL Primary profile or the EAL Secondary Profile shows the level which the pupil is working on. If the strategies are highlighted there are resource materials available by clicking on the highlighted text.
Teachers and pupils are encouraged to work across the 3 modes of language – integrating listening & talking, reading and writing into all activities, topics or themes.
Common Strategies
DARTs activities (Directed Activities Related to Text)
ask focused questions to check or confirm understanding of text
Listening and Talking
use Teddy Talk / Primary New to English EAL Induction Pack (Big Bear Banter resources included) or Secondary New to English EAL Induction Pack
provide models of different language functions by using substitution tables e.g. describing, explaining
group with pupils who can provide good models of English
provide sentence starters using visual cues
respond in words that extend and model /recast pupils’ utterances in correct form
allow time for child to mentally rehearse words/contributions
whole class reading (modelled by teacher) of fiction / non fiction with contextual support
ask oral gap-fill and either/or questions and encourage pupil to refer to visual cues
promote use of L1 for learning and encourage parents to discuss homework in L1
information seeking activities through simple questionnaires
clarify/explain curricular language eg key words
paired feedback at plenary sessions
provide beginnings of responses by using speaking frames
retell story / activity (eg investigation) through sequencing pictures
extend child’s experience of working in groups, allocating specific role to ensure participation and providing opportunities to plan / talk in groups and also for paired problem solving and feedback
provide a purpose for listening e.g. use framework to record information to answer pre-set questions/responses to text etc
encourage the use of picture dictionaries eg. First Thousand Words in English
provide talking texts e.g. Epic | The Leading Digital Library for Kids or Oxford Owl Website or Studyladder – Reading Comprehension
work closely with the family
Paired (or Partner) Reading /talking about texts with older pupils or PSA in English and home language
Provide texts in home language/ English to listen to e.g. WorldStories .
Also you can do a Youtube search for stories in different languages e.g.You tube search for stories in Portuguese for Teenagers
Dual Language Texts in the class and to send home Mantra Lingua UK Dual Language Books
provide talking texts e.g. Epic | The Leading Digital Library for Kids or Oxford Owl Website
Read&Write for Google – use Reader, Translator Tool and Picture Dictionary (can use on all apps and web pages)
text in first language: is the text available in the pupil’s first language
provide visual cues, use props/actions/puppets etc as appropriate
have a rich, clearly contextualised print environment (making links across the curriculum)
establish peer modelling and provide opportunities to talk about text pictures/illustrations with a partner
use collaborative reading activities eg information gap, jigsaw reading etc.
processes, matching the beginning and ends of sentences etc
ask pupil to find/match/highlight letters in words, words in texts, phrases in texts
ask pupil to transfer information from a text into a key visual by using graphic organisers such as tables, classifying information, sequencing of key points
encourage prediction about text content using visual and contextual cues
Use strategies such as SOLO taxonomy to develop higher order thinking and collaborative learning
Encourage the on-going use of picture/dual language/English dictionary Cambridge Online Dictionary with visuals as appropriate
pre teach key words prior to meeting in text and also Pip St John materials
ask focused questions to check or confirm understanding of text
provide support and encourage pupils to make own books e.g using Book Creator and word banks in English and / or home language
after reading ask for verbal summary of reading
for older pupils provide character lists and summaries of longer class texts/novels etc
scribe for individuals or use speech to text software (available on Google Docs)
devise paired and collaborative writing tasks
use storyboards and story mapping
link the writing activity to the preceding talk or reading
Use differentiated tasks such as :
ask pupil to label pictures / diagrams with initial letter cues and use word lists / banks (with illustrations / translations)
ask pupil to write short phrases of two or more words
provide support for pupils to match simple sentence starters to sentence endings, then ask pupil to copy complete sentences
ask pupil to sort/sequence simple jumbled sentences
clearly organise information on the board using graphic organisers
use gap fill exercises or cloze procedure
use writing frames from across the curriculum – primary and secondary
provide example paragraphs and ask pupils to substitute new set of information
build in writing activities to consolidate new language eg writing crossword clues on key topic vocabulary
encourage the ongoing use of picture/dual language English dictionary as appropriate