English Levels Explained
The EAL Highland Team will refer to a pupil's English level as one of five following. Please bear in mind that the levels used by the EAL Highland Team are relative to the pupil's "age and stage". This means that a pupil who is Fluent and 6 years old will not be using the English language with the same complexity as a pupil who is Fluent and 16 years old.
Level 5 - Fluent
Level 4 - Competent
Level 3 - Developing Competence
Level 2 - Early Acquisition
Level 1 - New to English
For Secondary age pupils (Age: 11-12 to 17-18 ) and adults these are roughly equivalent to the CEFR levels from Pre-A1 to C2 but are not exact and there may be some overlap in the CEFR levels.
C2 = Level 5 (Fluent)
C1 = Level 4 (Competent)
B1 / B2 = Level 3 (Developing Competence)
A1 / A2 = Level 2 (Early Acquisition)
Pre-A1 = Level 1 (New to English)
The below two links have an excellent graphic display which breaks down the various different English levels used across Scotland and the wider United Kingdom.