Events & Courses 

Outwith Highland Council

SATEAL Teachmeet – November 23rd 2023 – 1630 to 1730

Come along to hear from guest speakers supporting bilingualism in schools.  Our Teachmeets focus on aspects of English as an Additional Language and are organised but informal sessions with 5 to 10 min slots for various speakers to share good practice, practical innovations, and personal insights in teaching. Created by teachers, for teachers.


Currently, the guest speakers are:

Kamil Trzebiatowski - TBC

Silvia Fiddes - 10 minutes: Ukrainian Refugees and Trauma: some tips and tools

Stuart Scott - 5 minutes: Introducing our relaunched Joined in Thinking blog

Oksana Gladina - 10 minutes: How to support Ukrainian learners

Karen Faulds - 5 minutes: Multilingualism through Art


The event is free to sign up to and online, just follow the link, and please consider following SATEAL on Eventbrite to hear about more events throughout the year.